As you may know, I moved at the beginning of June. My cable and Internet are now provided by RCN (and I'm one of the few with a choice between Time Warner and RCN). When I signed up, I told them that I wanted an HD DVR, what I wound up getting was the lousiest excuse for a DVR they could come up with (some Motorola garbage).
I finally gave in yesterday and decided I'd get a TiVo with some extra money I'm getting. So I called RCN, and after talking to sales, they transferred me to tech support, which I though was weird, so I hung up from that death-queue, called back, got put in the same death queue, thought I'd being wound up transferred someplace else.
Well I was surprised when that wasn't the case, they knew exactly what I needed, and set up an installation appointment for TODAY. I thought that was unheard of, getting an appointment with the cable company in about 24 hours, on a Sunday of a holiday weekend no less. I was impressed.
But it gets better! My installation appointment was from 2-5 today. I get a call around 11:30. "You home now, mind if I do this installation a little early?" Now THAT'S unheard of - an early installation that went off without a hitch.
I've found that most people just whine and moan when things go wrong with their various service providers. I figured I'd give a shout out when things went incredibly right for a change :)