Well, I've tried blogging before, running the backend server software myself. Maybe not having to maintain the software/hardware will actually let me think about posting to the blog!


Creative Commons spotlight: Josh Woodward

I can't get this song out of my head. I'm a lefty and I love it, because when I broke my right shoulder and had no use of my right arm for ~8 weeks, I was still functional. But Josh apparently hates me, which is sad, because I love his music :D.


RCN customer service rocks

As you may know, I moved at the beginning of June. My cable and Internet are now provided by RCN (and I'm one of the few with a choice between Time Warner and RCN). When I signed up, I told them that I wanted an HD DVR, what I wound up getting was the lousiest excuse for a DVR they could come up with (some Motorola garbage). I finally gave in yesterday and decided I'd get a TiVo with some extra money I'm getting. So I called RCN, and after talking to sales, they transferred me to tech support, which I though was weird, so I hung up from that death-queue, called back, got put in the same death queue, thought I'd being wound up transferred someplace else. Well I was surprised when that wasn't the case, they knew exactly what I needed, and set up an installation appointment for TODAY. I thought that was unheard of, getting an appointment with the cable company in about 24 hours, on a Sunday of a holiday weekend no less. I was impressed. But it gets better! My installation appointment was from 2-5 today. I get a call around 11:30. "You home now, mind if I do this installation a little early?" Now THAT'S unheard of - an early installation that went off without a hitch. I've found that most people just whine and moan when things go wrong with their various service providers. I figured I'd give a shout out when things went incredibly right for a change :)

Where have I been?

Well, I've not posted here in awhile (OK, so I posted a few days back about EPEL). So where does all of my inane commentary about life in general go to? Where can you keep up with me minute by minute if you so desire? Why Twitter of course! (yes, I know about identi.ca, my ping.fm profile which I sometimes use for posting posts there too for those refusing to use proprietary services). Next up, a post about a positive experience that I had today....stay tuned :). Link