.xxx porn domain sparks legal battle - vnunet.com
.xxx porn domain sparks legal battle - vnunet.com Finally! Someone decides to stand up to the US Government in response to the .xxx porn domain - just like many things that the current administration does/has done, they have zero regulatory authority to do this. I'm sure all of the conservatives are saying how bad this would be for our childeren. It would in fact be good, since it provides a single thing to block from their access, rather than a smorgasboard of possible domains. The one bad/good thing that I see about this is that participation is voluntary - good for the porn sites that are not required to self-identify, and bad because the detractors will use precisely that fact to say it's not needed. My guess here is that most legitimate businesses would self-identify, but that's just a guess and a gut feeling, based on really no real evidence.